python Playwright 教程

开发者 2024-9-10 00:16:28 63 0 来自 中国

ps:博主从前都是用selenium来做ui自动化测试的, 摆设的时间,还得额外安装一个当地欣赏器,大概去制作一个绿色免安装版的欣赏器(mac、linux还不知道怎么制作)非常的不喜欢。Playwright可以制止这种题目,Playwright安装后,直接是打开欣赏器引擎Chromium、Firefox、WebKit举行驱动操作,绿色且快速。

pip install playwright安装欣赏器驱动文件(安装过程稍微有点慢)
python -m playwright install
python -m playwright codegen --helpUsage: playwright codegen [options] [url]open page and generate code for user actionsOptions:  -o, --output <file name>        saves the generated script to a file  --target <language>             language to generate, one of javascript, test, python, python-async, pytest, csharp, java (default: "python")  --save-trace <filename>         record a trace for the session and save it to a file  -b, --browser <browserType>     browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit (default: "chromium")  --block-service-workers         block service workers  --channel <channel>             Chromium distribution channel, "chrome", "chrome-beta", "msedge-dev", etc  --color-scheme <scheme>         emulate preferred color scheme, "light" or "dark"  --device <deviceName>           emulate device, for example  "iPhone 11"  --geolocation <coordinates>     specify geolocation coordinates, for example "37.819722,-122.478611"  --ignore-https-errors           ignore https errors  --load-storage <filename>       load context storage state from the file, previously saved with --save-storage  --lang <language>               specify language / locale, for example "en-GB"  --proxy-server <proxy>          specify proxy server, for example "http://myproxy:3128" or "socks5://myproxy:8080"  --proxy-bypass <bypass>         comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example ".com,,"  --save-har <filename>           save HAR file with all network activity at the end  --save-har-glob <glob pattern>  filter entries in the HAR by matching url against this glob pattern  --save-storage <filename>       save context storage state at the end, for later use with --load-storage  --timezone <time zone>          time zone to emulate, for example "Europe/Rome"  --timeout <timeout>             timeout for Playwright actions in milliseconds, no timeout by default  --user-agent <ua string>        specify user agent string  --viewport-size <size>          specify browser viewport size in pixels, for example "1280, 720"  -h, --help                      display help for commandExamples:  $ codegen  $ codegen --target=python  $ codegen -b webkit https://example.com资助分析

python -m playwright codegen --target python -o '' -b chromium录制关闭后,自动天生demo.py脚本,实验demo.py可以回放。(ps:滚动操作无法录制到,得本身修改代码,添加滚动操作)
from playwright.sync_api import Playwright, sync_playwright, expectdef run(playwright: Playwright) -> None:    browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False)    context = browser.new_context()    # Open new page    page = context.new_page()    # Go to    page.goto("")    # Click input[name="wd"]    page.locator("input[name=\"wd\"]").click()    # Fill input[name="wd"]    page.locator("input[name=\"wd\"]").fill("laywright")    # Click text=百度一下    page.locator("text=百度一下").click()    page.wait_for_url("")    # Close page    page.close()    # ---------------------    context.close()    browser.close()with sync_playwright() as playwright:    run(playwright)Playwright的更多长处可查察官方文档
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