
开发者 2024-9-15 03:51:26 85 0 来自 中国

  • Anndata对象转成Seurat对象
  • h5文件读写
  • 空间组格式转换

步调一 从Scanpy的Anndata对象中提取信息

  • 1提取矩阵
import osimport sysimport scanpy as scimport anndata as adimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport h5pyob1=sc.read('tmp.h5ad')mat=pd.DataFrame(data=ob1.X.todense(),index=ob1.obs_names,columns=ob1.var_names)mat.to_hdf("mat.h5","mat")如果要在Python里重新读取h5格式的矩阵,可以运行下面代码:
mat=ob1.X.todense().Twith h5py.File('mat.h5','w') as f1:    f1.create_dataset("mat",data=mat)##在Python里读取h5格式矩阵的方法with h5py.File('mat.h5','r') as f1:    mat=f1['mat'][:]为什么用h5生存矩阵?
pd.DataFrame(data=ob1.X.todense().T, index=ob1.var_names,columns=ob1.obs_names).to_csv('raw_mat.csv',sep="\t",float_format='%.0f')

  • 2 提取metadata信息

  • 3 提取坐标信息(UMAP坐标或空间组坐标)
#生存UMAP坐标cord=pd.DataFrame(data=ob1.obsm['X_umap'],index=ob1.obs_names,columns=['x','y'])cord.to_csv('position_X_umap.tsv',sep="\t") #生存空间坐标cord_name='spatial'cord=pd.DataFrame(data=ob1.obsm[cord_name],index=ob1.obs_names,columns=['x','y'])cord.to_csv('position_'+cord_name+'.tsv',sep="\t") 提取完以上信息之后,就可以在R内里重修Seurat对象了。
步调二 重修Seurat对象

  • 1 读取上面提取的信息
library(rhdf5)library(Matrix)mydata <- h5read("mat.h5","mat")#如果在Python生存h5文件是用【with h5py.File】方式则直接运行上面一行代码即可得到矩阵的值,但之后要手动添加行名和列名,下面的代码不实用,但如果用的【to_hdf】则运行下面代码即可。#获取矩阵值mat <- mydata$block0_values#添加行名rownames(mat) <- mydata$axis0#添加列名colnames(mat) <- mydata$axis1#转成希奇矩阵mat <- Matrix(mat, sparse = TRUE)#读取metadata信息cord_name='X_umap'meta <- read.table('metadata.tsv',sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1)pos <- read.table(paste0('position_',cord_name,'.tsv'),sep="\t",header=T,row.names=1)

  • 2 重修单细胞Seurat对象
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(mat,assay='Spatial',meta.data=meta)须要对seurat对象举行简单聚类后才能添加UMAP坐标信息,可略过直接举行通例分析
obj <- seob_cluster(obj)obj@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1]<-pos[,1]obj@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2]<-pos[,2]如果只是单细胞数据,以上步调已经充足了,但如果是重修一个Seurat空间组对象,实在也就是补充image的slice1槽,就须要运行以下脚本。

  • 3 重修空间组Seurat对象
library(dplyr)library(data.table)library(Matrix)library(rjson)#以下脚本参考了部门华大生命科学研究院的余浩师兄和邹轩轩师姐写的脚本,在此表示感谢tissue_lowres_image <- matrix(1, max(pos$y), max(pos$x))tissue_positions_list <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(obj),                                    tissue = 1,                                    row = pos$y, col = pos$x,                                    imagerow = pos$y, imagecol = pos$x)scalefactors_json <- toJSON(list(fiducial_diameter_fullres = 1,                                 tissue_hires_scalef = 1,                                 tissue_lowres_scalef = 1))mat <- obj@assays$Spatial@countsseurat_spatialObj <- CreateSeuratObject(mat, project = 'Spatial', assay = 'Spatial',min.cells=5, min.features=5)generate_spatialObj <- function(image, scale.factors, tissue.positions, filter.matrix = TRUE){    if (filter.matrix) {        tissue.positions <- tissue.positions[which(tissue.positions$tissue == 1), , drop = FALSE]    }    unnormalized.radius <- scale.factors$fiducial_diameter_fullres * scale.factors$tissue_lowres_scalef    spot.radius <- unnormalized.radius / max(dim(image))    return(new(Class = 'VisiumV1',               image = image,               scale.factors = scalefactors(spot = scale.factors$tissue_hires_scalef,                                            fiducial = scale.factors$fiducial_diameter_fullres,                                            hires = scale.factors$tissue_hires_scalef,                                            lowres = scale.factors$tissue_lowres_scalef),               coordinates = tissue.positions,               spot.radius = spot.radius))}spatialObj <- generate_spatialObj(image = tissue_lowres_image,                                  scale.factors = fromJSON(scalefactors_json),                                  tissue.positions = tissue_positions_list)spatialObj <- spatialObj[Cells(seurat_spatialObj)]DefaultAssay(spatialObj) <- 'Spatial'seurat_spatialObj[['slice1']] <- spatialObj看一下新建的对象结构,分析已经是一个标准的Seurat空间组对象了:
> str(seurat_spatialObj@images$slice1)Formal class 'VisiumV1' [package "Seurat"] with 6 slots  ..@ image        : num [1:6, 1:9] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...  ..@ scale.factorsist of 4  .. ..$ spot    : num 1  .. ..$ fiducial: num 1  .. ..$ hires   : num 1  .. ..$ lowres  : num 1  .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "scalefactors"  ..@ coordinates  :'data.frame':       71668 obs. of  5 variables:  .. ..$ tissue  : num [1:71668] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...  .. ..$ row     : num [1:71668] -2.904 -2.379 -0.798 -2.162 -1.436 ...  .. ..$ col     : num [1:71668] 5.84 5.58 8.63 7.08 7.99 ...  .. ..$ imagerow: num [1:71668] -2.904 -2.379 -0.798 -2.162 -1.436 ...  .. ..$ imagecol: num [1:71668] 5.84 5.58 8.63 7.08 7.99 ...  ..@ spot.radius  : num 0.111  ..@ assay        : chr "Spatial"  ..@ key          : chr "slice1_"可以以背面举行分析了。


> library(Seurat)library(SeuratDisk)Attaching SeuratObject> library(SeuratDisk)Registered S3 method overwritten by 'cli':  method     from  print.boxx spatstat.geomRegistered S3 method overwritten by 'SeuratDisk':  method            from  as.sparse.H5Group Seurat> Convert("cell_adata.h5ad",'h5SeuratWarning: Unknown file type: h5adError in H5File.open(filename, mode, file_create_pl, file_access_pl) :  HDF5-API Errors:    error #000: H5F.c in H5Fopen(): line 793: unable to open file        class: HDF5        major: File accessibility        minor: Unable to open file    error #001: H5VLcallback.c in H5VL_file_open(): line 3500: open failed        class: HDF5        major: Virtual Object Layer        minor: Can't open object    error #002: H5VLcallback.c in H5VL__file_open(): line 3465: open failed        class: HDF5        major: Virtual Object Layer        minor: Can't open object    error #003: H5VLnative_file.c in H5VL__native_file_open(): line 100: unable to open file        class: HDF5        major: File accessibility        minor: Unable to open file    error #004: H5Fint.c in H5F_open(): line 1622: unable to lock the file        class: HDF5        major: File accessibility        minor: Unable to open file    error #005: H5FD.c in H5FD_lock(): line 1675: driver lock request failed        class: HDF5        major: Virtual File Layererror2
修复上面的bug后(export HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=FALSE),照旧报错
>  Convert("cell_adata.h5ad",'h5SeuraWarning: Unknown file type: h5adCreating h5Seurat file for version X as dataAdding X as countsAdding meta.features from varAdding bbox as cell embeddings for bboxAdding contour as cell embeddings for contourError: Not a matrix dataseterror3
> library(reticulate)> scanpy <- import("scanpy")*** Error in `/share/app/R/4.0.2/lib64/R/bin/exec/R': free(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000aa5f3b8 ***======= Backtrace: =========/usr/lib64/libc.so.6(+0x81329)[0x7fb79efc4329]error4
> fmat <- npyLoad("fmat.npy")> fmat <- npyLoad("fmat.npy") *** caught segfault ***address 0x7f3bf5770000, cause 'invalid permissions'Traceback: 1: .External(list(name = "InternalFunction_invoke", address = <pointer: 0x421bb10>,     dll = list(name = "Rcpp", path = "/jdfssz1/software/R4.0/lib/Rcpp/libs/Rcpp.so",         dynamicLookup = TRUE, handle = <pointer: 0x957cc10>,         info = <pointer: 0x1d5ba90>), numParameters = -1L), <pointer: 0x140526f0>,     filename, type, dotranspose) 2: npyLoad("/jdfssz3/fmat.npy")Possible actions:1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)2: normal R exit3: exit R without saving workspace4: exit R saving workspaceSelection: 3rm: cannot remove ‘/hwfssz5/tmp/RtmpRSe1IF’: Directory not emptyerro n++ ……
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