作者:Daniel Shiffman
5.17 整合代码:一个简朴的交互式弹簧
- 对于Box2D,手动设置物体的位置会粉碎物理模仿。在toxiclibs中并不存在如许的标题。假如要移动粒子的位置,我们可以直接设置它的x坐标和y坐标。但在设置之前,我们最好先调用lock()函数。
- lock()函数的作用就是将物体锁在某个位置,等同于将Box2D物体的密度设成0。下面我将展示如何临时锁住一个粒子,然后移动它,末了将它解锁,让它继续加入物理模仿。假设你想在鼠标点击时移动一个粒子。
if (mousePressed) { p2.lock(); 先锁住粒子,然后设置它的x坐标和y坐标,再对其解锁 p2.x = mouseX; p2.y = mouseY; p2.unlock();}
- 在下面的示例程序中,我们将全部元素都放在一起,也就是通过弹簧将两个粒子毗连在一起。此中的一个粒子被锁定在某个位置,另一个粒子在鼠标拖动时发生移动。留意,本例和示例代码3-11的结果是一样的。
代码5-10 用toxiclibs实现简朴的弹簧模仿
import toxi.physics2d.*;import toxi.physics2d.behaviors.*;import toxi.geom.*;// Reference to physics worldVerletPhysics2D physicsarticle p1article p2;void setup() { size(640,360); // Initialize the physics physics=new VerletPhysics2D(); physics.addBehavior(new GravityBehavior(new Vec2D(0,0.5))); // Set the world's bounding box physics.setWorldBounds(new Rect(0,0,width,height)); // Make two particles p1 = new Particle(new Vec2D(width/2,20)); p2 = new Particle(new Vec2D(width/2+160,20)); // Lock one in place p1.lock(); // Make a spring connecting both Particles VerletSpring2D spring=new VerletSpring2D(p1,p2,160,0.01); // Anything we make, we have to add into the physics world physics.addParticle(p1); physics.addParticle(p2); physics.addSpring(spring);}void draw() { // Update the physics world physics.update(); background(255); // Draw a line between the particles stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y); // Display the particles p1.display(); p2.display(); // Move the second one according to the mouse if (mousePressed) { p2.lock(); p2.x = mouseX; p2.y = mouseY; p2.unlock(); } }Particle.pde
class Particle extends VerletParticle2D { Particle(Vec2D loc) { super(loc); } // All we're doing really is adding a display() function to a VerletParticle void display() { fill(127); stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(x,y,32,32); }}3、运行结果