How to get phylogenetic tree from kraken or bracken output file?
Mike Lee's tool GToTree
It will take a list of NCBI accession IDs for each genome and create a phylogenetic tree out of them.
conda create -y -n gtotree -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c astrobiomike gtotree# /hwfssz5/ST_HEALTH/P18Z10200N0423/hutongyuan/analysis/fish/Abundance_kraken2/kraken_report# /hwfssz5/ST_HEALTH/P18Z10200N0423/hutongyuan/database/kraken2conda activate gtotreeGToTree -a ncbi_accessions.txt -f fasta_files.txt -H Bacteria -D -j 4GToTree -h----------------- EXAMPLE USAGE -------------------GToTree -a ncbi_accessions.txt -f fasta_files.txt -H Bacteria -D -j 4[-a <file>] single-column file of NCBI assembly accessions
[-g <file>] single-column file with the paths to each GenBank file
[-f <file>] single-column file with the paths to each fasta file
[-A <file>] single-column file with the paths to each amino acid file