iOS 7之后,苹果提供了自界说转场动画的API,我们可以本身去界说恣意动画效果。本篇为笔者学习push、pop自界说转场效果的条记,如何有任何不精确大概有引导意见的,请在批评中留下您的宝贵意见!!!
@protocol UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning <NSObject>
// This is used for percent driven interactive transitions, as well as for container controllers that have companion animations that might need to
// synchronize with the main animation.
// 指定转场动画时长,必须实现,否则会Crash。
// 这个方法是为百分比驱动的交互转场和有对比动画效果的容器类控制器而定制的。
(NSTimeInterval)transitionDurationnullable id <UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext;
// This method can only be a nop if the transition is interactive and not a percentDriven interactive transition.
// 若非百分比驱动的交互过渡效果,这个方法只能为空
// This is a convenience and if implemented will be invoked by the system when the transition context's completeTransition: method is invoked.