按照网上修复发起,以为是systemd的版本题目导致,但查抄发现,现场的cgroup的版本还是用的cgroupfs 。
在docker 日记中查到,有进程相互锁住,但是没查出具体的什么缘故原由:
essage.txt:May 13 10:27:47 paas-10-239-40-157 dockerd: is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (47s) for it to exit...\nAnother app is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (49s) for it to exit...\nAnother app is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (51s) for it to exit...\nAnother app is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (53s) for it to exit...\nAnother app is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (55s) for it to exit...\nAnother app is currently holding the xtables lock; waiting (57s) for it to exit...\n"然后我在远程连线现场服务器时,检察top的时间发现有个进程cpu进程100%