
源代码 2024-9-11 13:03:12 63 0 来自 中国
作者:Daniel Shiffman
6.9 多段路径跟随



  • 步调3:在路径上探求一个目标位置

  • 为了探求目标位置,我们必须找到线段上的法线交点。但现在的路径是由多个线段构成的,法线交点也有多个(如图6-32所示)。
  • 假如只有一个点和一条无穷长的直线,总能得到位于直线内的法线交点。但假如是一个点和一个线段,则不肯定能找到位于线段内的法线交点。因此,假如法线交点不在线段内,我们就应该将它清除在外。得到符合条件的法线交点后(在上图中,只有两个符合条件的交点),我们须要挑选出近来的点作为目标位置。

  • 为了实现如许的特性,我们要扩展Path类,加入一个ArrayList对象用于存放路径的极点(代替之前的起点和尽头)。
class Path {  // A Path is an arraylist of points (PVector objects)  ArrayList<Vector> points;  // A path has a radius, i.e how far is it ok for the boid to wander off  float radius;  Path() {    // Arbitrary radius of 20    radius = 20;    points = new ArrayList<Vector>();  }  // Add a point to the path  void addPoint(float x, float y) {    PVector point = new PVector(x, y);    points.add(point);  }    PVector getStart() {     return points.get(0);  }  PVector getEnd() {     return points.get(points.size()-1);  }  // Draw the path  void display() {    // Draw thick line for radius    stroke(175);    strokeWeight(radius*2);    noFill();    beginShape();    for (PVector v : points) {      vertex(v.x, v.y);    }    endShape();    // Draw thin line for center of path    stroke(0);    strokeWeight(1);    noFill();    beginShape();    for (PVector v : points) {      vertex(v.x, v.y);    }    endShape();  }}

  • 支持多段路径的Path类已经界说好,下面轮到Vehicle类处理处罚多段路径了。之前我们已经学会如作甚单个线段探求法线交点,只须要加入一个循环就能得到全部线段的法线交点。
for (int i = 0; i < p.points.size()-1; i++) {    PVector a = p.points.get(i);    PVector b = p.points.get(i+1);    PVector normalPoint = getNormalPoint(predictLoc,a,b); 为每个线段探求法线交点

  • 接下来,我们应该确保法线交点处在点a和点b之间。在本例中,路径的走向是由左向右,因此只需验证法线交点的x坐标是否位于a和b的x坐标之间。
if (normalPoint.x < a.x || normalPoint.x > b.x) {    normalPoint = b.get(); 假如无法找到法线交点,就把线段的尽头当做法线交点}

  • 使用一个小技巧:假如法线交点不在线段内,我们就把线段的尽头当做法线交点。如许可以确保小车始终留在路径内,纵然它偏离了线段的界限。
  • 最后,我们须要选出离小车近来的法线交点。为了完成这个任务,我们从一个很大的“世界纪录”隔断开始,再一次遍历每个法线交点,看看它的隔断是否冲破了这个纪录(比纪录小)。每当某个法线交点冲破了纪录,我们就更新纪录,把这个法线交点赋给target变量。循环竣事时,target变量就是近来的法线交点。

示例代码6-6 路径跟随
boolean debug = true;// A path object (series of connected points)Path path;// Two vehiclesVehicle car1;Vehicle car2;void setup() {  size(640, 360);  // Call a function to generate new Path object  newPath();  // Each vehicle has different maxspeed and maxforce for demo purposes  car1 = new Vehicle(new PVector(0, height/2), 2, 0.04);  car2 = new Vehicle(new PVector(0, height/2), 3, 0.1);}void draw() {  background(255);  // Display the path  path.display();  // The boids follow the path  car1.follow(path);  car2.follow(path);  // Call the generic run method (update, borders, display, etc.)  car1.run();  car2.run();    car1.borders(path);  car2.borders(path);  // Instructions  fill(0);  text("Hit space bar to toggle debugging lines.\nClick the mouse to generate a new path.", 10, height-30);}void newPath() {  // A path is a series of connected points  // A more sophisticated path might be a curve  path = new Path();  path.addPoint(-20, height/2);  path.addPoint(random(0, width/2), random(0, height));  path.addPoint(random(width/2, width), random(0, height));  path.addPoint(width+20, height/2);}public void keyPressed() {  if (key == ' ') {    debug = !debug;  }}public void mousePressed() {  newPath();}Vehicle .pde
class Vehicle {  // All the usual stuff  PVector position;  PVector velocity;  PVector acceleration;  float r;  float maxforce;    // Maximum steering force  float maxspeed;    // Maximum speed    // Constructor initialize all values  Vehicle( PVector l, float ms, float mf) {    position = l.get();    r = 4.0;    maxspeed = ms;    maxforce = mf;    acceleration = new PVector(0, 0);    velocity = new PVector(maxspeed, 0);  }  // Main "run" function  public void run() {    update();    display();  }  // This function implements Craig Reynolds' path following algorithm  // http://www.red3d.com/cwr/steer/PathFollow.html  void follow(Path p) {    // Predict position 50 (arbitrary choice) frames ahead    // This could be based on speed     PVector predict = velocity.get();    predict.normalize();    predict.mult(50);    PVector predictpos = PVector.add(position, predict);    // Now we must find the normal to the path from the predicted position    // We look at the normal for each line segment and pick out the closest one    PVector normal = null;    PVector target = null;    float worldRecord = 1000000;  // Start with a very high record distance that can easily be beaten    // Loop through all points of the path    for (int i = 0; i < p.points.size()-1; i++) {      // Look at a line segment      PVector a = p.points.get(i);      PVector b = p.points.get(i+1);      // Get the normal point to that line      PVector normalPoint = getNormalPoint(predictpos, a, b);      // This only works because we know our path goes from left to right      // We could have a more sophisticated test to tell if the point is in the line segment or not      if (normalPoint.x < a.x || normalPoint.x > b.x) {        // This is something of a hacky solution, but if it's not within the line segment        // consider the normal to just be the end of the line segment (point b)        normalPoint = b.get();      }      // How far away are we from the path?      float distance = PVector.dist(predictpos, normalPoint);      // Did we beat the record and find the closest line segment?      if (distance < worldRecord) {        worldRecord = distance;        // If so the target we want to steer towards is the normal        normal = normalPoint;        // Look at the direction of the line segment so we can seek a little bit ahead of the normal        PVector dir = PVector.sub(b, a);        dir.normalize();        // This is an oversimplification        // Should be based on distance to path & velocity        dir.mult(10);        target = normalPoint.get();        target.add(dir);      }    }    // Only if the distance is greater than the path's radius do we bother to steer    if (worldRecord > p.radius) {      seek(target);    }    // Draw the debugging stuff    if (debug) {      // Draw predicted future position      stroke(0);      fill(0);      line(position.x, position.y, predictpos.x, predictpos.y);      ellipse(predictpos.x, predictpos.y, 4, 4);      // Draw normal position      stroke(0);      fill(0);      ellipse(normal.x, normal.y, 4, 4);      // Draw actual target (red if steering towards it)      line(predictpos.x, predictpos.y, normal.x, normal.y);      if (worldRecord > p.radius) fill(255, 0, 0);      noStroke();      ellipse(target.x, target.y, 8, 8);    }  }  // A function to get the normal point from a point (p) to a line segment (a-b)  // This function could be optimized to make fewer new Vector objects  PVector getNormalPoint(PVector p, PVector a, PVector b) {    // Vector from a to p    PVector ap = PVector.sub(p, a);    // Vector from a to b    PVector ab = PVector.sub(b, a);    ab.normalize(); // Normalize the line    // Project vector "diff" onto line by using the dot product    ab.mult(ap.dot(ab));    PVector normalPoint = PVector.add(a, ab);    return normalPoint;  }  // Method to update position  void update() {    // Update velocity    velocity.add(acceleration);    // Limit speed    velocity.limit(maxspeed);    position.add(velocity);    // Reset accelertion to 0 each cycle    acceleration.mult(0);  }  void applyForce(PVector force) {    // We could add mass here if we want A = F / M    acceleration.add(force);  }  // A method that calculates and applies a steering force towards a target  // STEER = DESIRED MINUS VELOCITY  void seek(PVector target) {    PVector desired = PVector.sub(target, position);  // A vector pointing from the position to the target    // If the magnitude of desired equals 0, skip out of here    // (We could optimize this to check if x and y are 0 to avoid mag() square root    if (desired.mag() == 0) return;    // Normalize desired and scale to maximum speed    desired.normalize();    desired.mult(maxspeed);    // Steering = Desired minus Velocity    PVector steer = PVector.sub(desired, velocity);    steer.limit(maxforce);  // Limit to maximum steering force      applyForce(steer);  }  void display() {    // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity    float theta = velocity.heading2D() + radians(90);    fill(175);    stroke(0);    pushMatrix();    translate(position.x, position.y);    rotate(theta);    beginShape(PConstants.TRIANGLES);    vertex(0, -r*2);    vertex(-r, r*2);    vertex(r, r*2);    endShape();    popMatrix();  }  // Wraparound  void borders(Path p) {    if (position.x > p.getEnd().x + r) {      position.x = p.getStart().x - r;      position.y = p.getStart().y + (position.y-p.getEnd().y);    }  }}4、运行效果

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