Android AAudio详解

源代码 2024-10-8 15:06:29 116 0 来自 中国

AAudio 是Android O版本引入的C API,专门用于高性能音频场景,本篇先容下AAudio的内容和框架。
AAudio 功能先容


/** * Request a mode for sharing the device. * * The default, if you do not call this function, is {@link #AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED}. * * The requested sharing mode may not be available. * The application can query for the actual mode after the stream is opened. * * Available since API level 26. * * @param builder reference provided by AAudio_createStreamBuilder() * @param sharingMode {@link #AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED} or {@link #AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE} */AAUDIO_API void AAudioStreamBuilder_setSharingMode(AAudioStreamBuilder* builder,        aaudio_sharing_mode_t sharingMode) __INTRODUCED_IN(26);性能优化

int32_t previousUnderrunCount = 0;int32_t framesPerBurst = AAudioStream_getFramesPerBurst(stream);int32_t bufferSize = AAudioStream_getBufferSizeInFrames(stream);int32_t bufferCapacity = AAudioStream_getBufferCapacityInFrames(stream);while (go) {    result = writeSomeData();    if (result < 0) break;    // Are we getting underruns?    if (bufferSize < bufferCapacity) {        int32_t underrunCount = AAudioStream_getXRunCount(stream);        if (underrunCount > previousUnderrunCount) {            previousUnderrunCount = underrunCount;            // Try increasing the buffer size by one burst            bufferSize += framesPerBurst;            bufferSize = AAudioStream_setBufferSize(stream, bufferSize);        }    }}性能模式

每个 AAudioStream 都具有性能模式,而这对应用举动的影响很大。共有三种模式:
AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NONE 是默认模式。这种模式使用在延迟时间与节能之间取得平衡的根本流。
AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY 使用较小的缓冲区和经优化的数据路径,以镌汰延迟时间。
AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_POWER_SAVING 使用较大的内部缓冲区,以及以延迟时间为代价调换节能上风的数据路径。
AAudio 源码解读

AAudio使用构建器模式创建AAudioStream,通过AAudioStreamBuilder设置好参数后,接下来就是执行open获取可用的AAudioStream, 调用的方法是AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream:
AAUDIO_API aaudio_result_t  AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream(AAudioStreamBuilder* builder,                                                     AAudioStream** streamPtr){    AudioStream *audioStream = nullptr;    aaudio_stream_id_t id = 0;    // Please leave these logs because they are very helpful when debugging.    ALOGI("%s() called ----------------------------------------", __func__);    AudioStreamBuilder *streamBuilder = COMMON_GET_FROM_BUILDER_OR_RETURN(streamPtr);    aaudio_result_t result = streamBuilder->build(&audioStream); // 构建audiostream    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {        audioStream->registerPlayerBase(); // 注册audiostream, 主要是针对播放,如许就可以被体系音量同一控制。        *streamPtr = (AAudioStream*) audioStream;        id = audioStream->getId();    } else {        *streamPtr = nullptr;    }    ALOGI("%s() returns %d = %s for s#%u ----------------",        __func__, result, AAudio_convertResultToText(result), id);    return result;}这儿主要是2件事,一个是负责构建AudioStream,一个是负责注册,先看下构建过程。
// Try to open using MMAP path if that is allowed.// Fall back to Legacy path if MMAP not available.// Exact behavior is controlled by MMapPolicy.aaudio_result_t AudioStreamBuilder::build(AudioStream** streamPtr) {...    // The API setting is the highest priority.    aaudio_policy_t mmapPolicy = AudioGlobal_getMMapPolicy(); //是否走mmap    // If not specified then get from a system property.    if (mmapPolicy == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        mmapPolicy = AAudioProperty_getMMapPolicy();    }    // If still not specified then use the default.    if (mmapPolicy == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        mmapPolicy = AAUDIO_MMAP_POLICY_DEFAULT;    }    int32_t mapExclusivePolicy = AAudioProperty_getMMapExclusivePolicy();    if (mapExclusivePolicy == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        mapExclusivePolicy = AAUDIO_MMAP_EXCLUSIVE_POLICY_DEFAULT;    }    aaudio_sharing_mode_t sharingMode = getSharingMode();    if ((sharingMode == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE)        && (mapExclusivePolicy == AAUDIO_POLICY_NEVER)) {        ALOGD("%s() EXCLUSIVE sharing mode not supported. Use SHARED.", __func__);        sharingMode = AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED;        setSharingMode(sharingMode);    }    bool allowMMap = mmapPolicy != AAUDIO_POLICY_NEVER;    bool allowLegacy = mmapPolicy != AAUDIO_POLICY_ALWAYS;    // TODO Support other performance settings in MMAP mode.    // Disable MMAP if low latency not requested.   // 非低延时不支持mmap    if (getPerformanceMode() != AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY) {        ALOGD("%s() MMAP not used because AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY not requested.",              __func__);        allowMMap = false;    }    // SessionID and Effects are only supported in Legacy mode.    if (getSessionId() != AAUDIO_SESSION_ID_NONE) {        ALOGD("%s() MMAP not used because sessionId specified.", __func__);        allowMMap = false;    }    if (!allowMMap && !allowLegacy) {        ALOGE("%s() no backend available: neither MMAP nor legacy path are allowed", __func__);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;    }    setPrivacySensitive(false);    if (mPrivacySensitiveReq == PRIVACY_SENSITIVE_DEFAULT) {        // When not explicitly requested, set privacy sensitive mode according to input preset:        // communication and camcorder captures are considered privacy sensitive by default.        aaudio_input_preset_t preset = getInputPreset();        if (preset == AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_CAMCORDER                || preset == AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_VOICE_COMMUNICATION) {            setPrivacySensitive(true); // Camera 和通话场景,设置隐私标志        }    } else if (mPrivacySensitiveReq == PRIVACY_SENSITIVE_ENABLED) {        setPrivacySensitive(true);    }    android::sp<AudioStream> audioStream;    result = builder_createStream(getDirection(), sharingMode, allowMMap, audioStream);    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {        // Open the stream using the parameters from the builder.        result = audioStream->open(*this);         if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {            bool isMMap = audioStream->isMMap();            if (isMMap && allowLegacy) {                ALOGV("%s() MMAP stream did not open so try Legacy path", __func__);                // If MMAP stream failed to open then TRY using a legacy stream.                result = builder_createStream(getDirection(), sharingMode,                                              false, audioStream);                if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {                    result = audioStream->open(*this);                }            }        }        if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {            audioStream->logOpen();            *streamPtr = startUsingStream(audioStream);        } // else audioStream will go out of scope and be deleted    }    return result;}这儿主要是使用builder_createStream 创建AAudioSream,一个是执行AAudioStream的Open方法:
static aaudio_result_t builder_createStream(aaudio_direction_t direction,                                         aaudio_sharing_mode_t sharingMode,                                         bool tryMMap,                                         android::sp<AudioStream> &stream) {    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    switch (direction) {        case AAUDIO_DIRECTION_INPUT:            if (tryMMap) {                stream = new AudioStreamInternalCapture(AAudioBinderClient::getInstance(),                                                                 false);            } else {                stream = new AudioStreamRecord();            }            break;        case AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT:            if (tryMMap) {                stream = new AudioStreamInternalPlay(AAudioBinderClient::getInstance(),                                                              false);            } else {                stream = new AudioStreamTrack();            }            break;        default:            ALOGE("%s() bad direction = %d", __func__, direction);            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;    }    return result;}这儿先看下MMap和传统机制的结构:

假如是使用非Mmap,而且是收罗,那么走的就是AudioStreamRecord,AudioStreamRecord现实上走的就是Java AudioRecord Native通道,AudioStreamRecord内部会创建AudioRecord(C++)对象,别的步骤就和Java的流程一样。
而AAudioStream的open 方法就是创建AudioRecord对象,而且注册设置参数,这时间就会在AudioFlinger中也创建一个对应的AudioRecord对象,并分配对应的缓存。
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal:pen(const AudioStreamBuilder &builder) {    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    int32_t framesPerBurst;    int32_t framesPerHardwareBurst;    AAudioStreamRequest request;    AAudioStreamConfiguration configurationOutput;    if (getState() != AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {        ALOGE("%s - already open! state = %d", __func__, getState());        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    // Copy requested parameters to the stream.    result = AudioStream:pen(builder);    if (result < 0) {        return result;    }    const int32_t burstMinMicros = AAudioProperty_getHardwareBurstMinMicros();    int32_t burstMicros = 0;    // We have to do volume scaling. So we prefer FLOAT format.    if (getFormat() == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {        setFormat(AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT);    }    // Request FLOAT for the shared mixer.    request.getConfiguration().setFormat(AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT);    // Build the request to send to the server.    request.setUserId(getuid());    request.setProcessId(getpid());    request.setSharingModeMatchRequired(isSharingModeMatchRequired());    request.setInService(isInService());    request.getConfiguration().setDeviceId(getDeviceId());    request.getConfiguration().setSampleRate(getSampleRate());    request.getConfiguration().setSamplesPerFrame(getSamplesPerFrame());    request.getConfiguration().setDirection(getDirection());    request.getConfiguration().setSharingMode(getSharingMode());    request.getConfiguration().setUsage(getUsage());    request.getConfiguration().setContentType(getContentType());    request.getConfiguration().setInputPreset(getInputPreset());    request.getConfiguration().setPrivacySensitive(isPrivacySensitive());    request.getConfiguration().setBufferCapacity(builder.getBufferCapacity());    mDeviceChannelCount = getSamplesPerFrame(); // Assume it will be the same. Update if not.    mServiceStreamHandle = mServiceInterface.openStream(request, configurationOutput); // 1: 打开流    if (mServiceStreamHandle < 0            && request.getConfiguration().getSamplesPerFrame() == 1 // mono?            && getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT            && !isInService()) {        // if that failed then try switching from mono to stereo if OUTPUT.        // Only do this in the client. Otherwise we end up with a mono mixer in the service        // that writes to a stereo MMAP stream.        ALOGD("%s() - openStream() returned %d, try switching from MONO to STEREO",              __func__, mServiceStreamHandle);        request.getConfiguration().setSamplesPerFrame(2); // stereo        mServiceStreamHandle = mServiceInterface.openStream(request, configurationOutput);    }    if (mServiceStreamHandle < 0) {        return mServiceStreamHandle;    }    // This must match the key generated in oboeservice/AAudioServiceStreamBase.cpp    // so the client can have permission to log.    mMetricsId = std::string(AMEDIAMETRICS_KEY_PREFIX_AUDIO_STREAM)            + std::to_string(mServiceStreamHandle);    result = configurationOutput.validate();    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        goto error;    }    // Save results of the open.    if (getSamplesPerFrame() == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        setSamplesPerFrame(configurationOutput.getSamplesPerFrame());    }    mDeviceChannelCount = configurationOutput.getSamplesPerFrame();    setSampleRate(configurationOutput.getSampleRate());    setDeviceId(configurationOutput.getDeviceId());    setSessionId(configurationOutput.getSessionId());    setSharingMode(configurationOutput.getSharingMode());    setUsage(configurationOutput.getUsage());    setContentType(configurationOutput.getContentType());    setInputPreset(configurationOutput.getInputPreset());    // Save device format so we can do format conversion and volume scaling together.    setDeviceFormat(configurationOutput.getFormat());    result = mServiceInterface.getStreamDescription(mServiceStreamHandle, mEndPointParcelable);  // 2. 获取共享内存    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        goto error;    }    // Resolve parcelable into a descriptor.    result = mEndPointParcelable.resolve(&mEndpointDescriptor);    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        goto error;    }    // Configure endpoint based on descriptor.    mAudioEndpoint = std::make_unique<AudioEndpoint>();    result = mAudioEndpoint->configure(&mEndpointDescriptor, getDirection());    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        goto error;    }    framesPerHardwareBurst = mEndpointDescriptor.dataQueueDescriptor.framesPerBurst;    // Scale up the burst size to meet the minimum equivalent in microseconds.    // This is to avoid waking the CPU too often when the HW burst is very small    // or at high sample rates.    framesPerBurst = framesPerHardwareBurst;    do {        if (burstMicros > 0) {  // skip first loop            framesPerBurst *= 2;        }        burstMicros = framesPerBurst * static_cast<int64_t>(1000000) / getSampleRate();    } while (burstMicros < burstMinMicros);    ALOGD("%s() original HW burst = %d, minMicros = %d => SW burst = %d\n",          __func__, framesPerHardwareBurst, burstMinMicros, framesPerBurst);    // Validate final burst size.    if (framesPerBurst < MIN_FRAMES_PER_BURST || framesPerBurst > MAX_FRAMES_PER_BURST) {        ALOGE("%s - framesPerBurst out of range = %d", __func__, framesPerBurst);        result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;        goto error;    }    mFramesPerBurst = framesPerBurst; // only save good value    mBufferCapacityInFrames = mEndpointDescriptor.dataQueueDescriptor.capacityInFrames;    if (mBufferCapacityInFrames < mFramesPerBurst            || mBufferCapacityInFrames > MAX_BUFFER_CAPACITY_IN_FRAMES) {        ALOGE("%s - bufferCapacity out of range = %d", __func__, mBufferCapacityInFrames);        result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;        goto error;    }    mClockModel.setSampleRate(getSampleRate());    mClockModel.setFramesPerBurst(framesPerHardwareBurst);    if (isDataCallbackSet()) {        mCallbackFrames = builder.getFramesPerDataCallback();        if (mCallbackFrames > getBufferCapacity() / 2) {            ALOGW("%s - framesPerCallback too big = %d, capacity = %d",                  __func__, mCallbackFrames, getBufferCapacity());            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;            goto error;        } else if (mCallbackFrames < 0) {            ALOGW("%s - framesPerCallback negative", __func__);            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;            goto error;        }        if (mCallbackFrames == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {            mCallbackFrames = mFramesPerBurst;        }        const int32_t callbackBufferSize = mCallbackFrames * getBytesPerFrame();        mCallbackBuffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(callbackBufferSize);    }    // For debugging and analyzing the distribution of MMAP timestamps.    // For OUTPUT, use a NEGATIVE offset to move the CPU writes further BEFORE the HW reads.    // For INPUT, use a POSITIVE offset to move the CPU reads further AFTER the HW writes.    // You can use this offset to reduce glitching.    // You can also use this offset to force glitching. By iterating over multiple    // values you can reveal the distribution of the hardware timing jitter.    if (mAudioEndpoint->isFreeRunning()) { // MMAP?        int32_t offsetMicros = (getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT)                ? AAudioProperty_getOutputMMapOffsetMicros()                : AAudioProperty_getInputMMapOffsetMicros();        // This log is used to debug some tricky glitch issues. Please leave.        ALOGD_IF(offsetMicros, "%s() - %s mmap offset = %d micros",                __func__,                (getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT) ? "output" : "input",                offsetMicros);        mTimeOffsetNanos = offsetMicros * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND;    }    setBufferSize(mBufferCapacityInFrames / 2); // Default buffer size to match Q    setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN);    return result;error:    releaseCloseFinal();    return result;}先看下怎样打开流:
aaudio_handle_t AAudioBinderClient:penStream(const AAudioStreamRequest &request,
AAudioStreamConfiguration &configurationOutput)
aaudio_handle_t stream;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
const sp<IAAudioService> &service = getAAudioService();
if (service.get() == nullptr)
    stream = service->openStream(request, configurationOutput);    if (stream == AAUDIO_ERROR_NO_SERVICE)    {        ALOGE("openStream lost connection to AAudioService.");        dropAAudioService(); // force a reconnect    }    else    {        break;    }}return stream;}
这儿就是获取media.aaudio binder服务,然后调用openStream打开流。
media.aaudio就是AAudioService, 代码路径在frameworks/av/services/oboeservice/AAudioService.cpp,看下openStream实现:
aaudio_handle_t AAudioService:penStream(const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request,
aaudio::AAudioStreamConfiguration &configurationOutput) {
// A lock in is used to order the opening of endpoints when an
// EXCLUSIVE endpoint is stolen. We want the order to be:
// 1) Thread A opens exclusive MMAP endpoint
// 2) Thread B wants to open an exclusive MMAP endpoint so it steals the one from A
//    under this lock.
// 3) Thread B opens a shared MMAP endpoint.
// 4) Thread A can then get the lock and also open a shared stream.
// Without the lock. Thread A might sneak in and reallocate an exclusive stream
// before B can open the shared stream.
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mOpenLock);
aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;sp<AAudioServiceStreamBase> serviceStream;const AAudioStreamConfiguration &configurationInput = request.getConstantConfiguration();bool sharingModeMatchRequired = request.isSharingModeMatchRequired();aaudio_sharing_mode_t sharingMode = configurationInput.getSharingMode();// Enforce limit on client processes.pid_t pid = request.getProcessId();if (pid != mAudioClient.clientPid) {    int32_t count = AAudioClientTracker::getInstance().getStreamCount(pid);    if (count >= MAX_STREAMS_PER_PROCESS) {   // 单个历程最多创建8个流        ALOGE("openStream(): exceeded max streams per process %d >= %d",              count,  MAX_STREAMS_PER_PROCESS);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE;    }}if (sharingMode != AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE && sharingMode != AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED) {    ALOGE("openStream(): unrecognized sharing mode = %d", sharingMode);    return AAUDIO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;}if (sharingMode == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE    && AAudioClientTracker::getInstance().isExclusiveEnabled(request.getProcessId())) {    // only trust audioserver for in service indication    bool inService = false;    if (isCallerInService()) {        inService = request.isInService();    }    serviceStream = new AAudioServiceStreamMMAP(*this, inService);    result = serviceStream->open(request);    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        // Clear it so we can possibly fall back to using a shared stream.        ALOGW("openStream(), could not open in EXCLUSIVE mode");        serviceStream.clear();    }}// Try SHARED if SHARED requested or if EXCLUSIVE failed.if (sharingMode == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED) {    serviceStream =  new AAudioServiceStreamShared(*this);    result = serviceStream->open(request);} else if (serviceStream.get() == nullptr && !sharingModeMatchRequired) {    aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest modifiedRequest = request;    // Overwrite the original EXCLUSIVE mode with SHARED.    modifiedRequest.getConfiguration().setSharingMode(AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED);    serviceStream =  new AAudioServiceStreamShared(*this);    result = serviceStream->open(modifiedRequest);}if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {    serviceStream.clear();    return result;} else {    aaudio_handle_t handle = mStreamTracker.addStreamForHandle(serviceStream.get());    serviceStream->setHandle(handle);    pid_t pid = request.getProcessId();    AAudioClientTracker::getInstance().registerClientStream(pid, serviceStream);    configurationOutput.copyFrom(*serviceStream);    // Log open in MediaMetrics after we have the handle because we need the handle to    // create the metrics ID.    serviceStream->logOpen(handle);    ALOGV("%s(): return handle = 0x%08X", __func__, handle);    return handle;}}

// Open stream on HAL and pass information about the shared memory buffer back to the client.aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamMMAP:pen(const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request) {    sp<AAudioServiceStreamMMAP> keep(this);    if (request.getConstantConfiguration().getSharingMode() != AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE) {        ALOGE("%s() sharingMode mismatch %d", __func__,              request.getConstantConfiguration().getSharingMode());        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;    }    aaudio_result_t result = AAudioServiceStreamBase:pen(request);    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        return result;    }    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();    if (endpoint == nullptr) {        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    result = endpoint->registerStream(keep);    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        return result;    }    setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN);    return AAUDIO_OK;}使用了base的open,继续看下:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase:pen(const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request) {    AAudioEndpointManager &mEndpointManager = AAudioEndpointManager::getInstance();    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    mMmapClient.clientUid = request.getUserId();    mMmapClient.clientPid = request.getProcessId();    mMmapClient.packageName.setTo(String16("")); // TODO What should we do here?    // Limit scope of lock to avoid recursive lock in close().    {        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mUpMessageQueueLock);        if (mUpMessageQueue != nullptr) {            ALOGE("%s() called twice", __func__);            return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;        }        mUpMessageQueue = new SharedRingBuffer(); // 分配共享内存,这个内存是支持历程间共享的        result = mUpMessageQueue->allocate(sizeof(AAudioServiceMessage),                                           QUEUE_UP_CAPACITY_COMMANDS);        if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {            goto error;        }        // This is not protected by a lock because the stream cannot be        // referenced until the service returns a handle to the client.        // So only one thread can open a stream.        mServiceEndpoint = mEndpointManager.openEndpoint(mAudioService,                                                         request);        if (mServiceEndpoint == nullptr) {            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE;            goto error;        }        // Save a weak pointer that we will use to access the endpoint.        mServiceEndpointWeak = mServiceEndpoint;        mFramesPerBurst = mServiceEndpoint->getFramesPerBurst();        copyFrom(*mServiceEndpoint);    }    return result;error:    close();    return result;}aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::close() {    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);    return close_l();}这儿调用的是openEndpoint:
sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> AAudioEndpointManager:penEndpoint(AAudioService &audioService,                                        const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request) {    if (request.getConstantConfiguration().getSharingMode() == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE) {        sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpointToSteal;        sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> foundEndpoint =                openExclusiveEndpoint(audioService, request, endpointToSteal);        if (endpointToSteal.get()) {            endpointToSteal->releaseRegisteredStreams(); // free the MMAP resource        }        return foundEndpoint;    } else {        return openSharedEndpoint(audioService, request);    }}继续看下openExclusiveEndpoint:
sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> AAudioEndpointManager:penExclusiveEndpoint(        AAudioService &aaudioService,        const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request,        sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> &endpointToSteal) {    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mExclusiveLock);    const AAudioStreamConfiguration &configuration = request.getConstantConfiguration();    // Try to find an existing endpoint.    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = findExclusiveEndpoint_l(configuration);  // 从cache中找对应的endPoint    // If we find an existing one then this one cannot be exclusive.    if (endpoint.get() != nullptr) {        if (kStealingEnabled                && !endpoint->isForSharing() // not currently SHARED                && !request.isSharingModeMatchRequired()) { // app did not request a shared stream            ALOGD("%s() endpoint in EXCLUSIVE use. Steal it!", __func__);            mExclusiveStolenCount++;            // Prevent this process from getting another EXCLUSIVE stream.            // This will prevent two clients from colliding after a DISCONNECTION            // when they both try to open an exclusive stream at the same time.            // That can result in a stream getting disconnected between the OPEN            // and START calls. This will help preserve app compatibility.            // An app can avoid having this happen by closing their streams when            // the app is paused.            AAudioClientTracker::getInstance().setExclusiveEnabled(request.getProcessId(), false);            endpointToSteal = endpoint; // return it to caller        }        return nullptr;    } else {        sp<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP> endpointMMap = new AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP(aaudioService);        ALOGV("%s(), no match so try to open MMAP %p for dev %d",              __func__, endpointMMap.get(), configuration.getDeviceId());        endpoint = endpointMMap;        aaudio_result_t result = endpoint->open(request);        if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {            endpoint.clear();        } else {            mExclusiveStreams.push_back(endpointMMap);            mExclusiveOpenCount++;        }    }    if (endpoint.get() != nullptr) {        // Increment the reference count under this lock.        endpoint->setOpenCount(endpoint->getOpenCount() + 1);        endpoint->setForSharing(request.isSharingModeMatchRequired());    }    return endpoint;}这时间创建了一个AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP,然后调用了open,继续往下看:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP:pen(const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request) {    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    audio_config_base_t config;    audio_port_handle_t deviceId;    copyFrom(request.getConstantConfiguration());    const audio_attributes_t attributes = getAudioAttributesFrom(this);    mMmapClient.clientUid = request.getUserId();    mMmapClient.clientPid = request.getProcessId();    mMmapClient.packageName.setTo(String16(""));    mRequestedDeviceId = deviceId = getDeviceId();    // Fill in config    audio_format_t audioFormat = getFormat();    if (audioFormat == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT || audioFormat == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT) {        audioFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;    }    config.format = audioFormat;    int32_t aaudioSampleRate = getSampleRate();    if (aaudioSampleRate == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        aaudioSampleRate = AAUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_DEFAULT;    }    config.sample_rate = aaudioSampleRate;    int32_t aaudioSamplesPerFrame = getSamplesPerFrame();    const aaudio_direction_t direction = getDirection();    if (direction == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT) {        config.channel_mask = (aaudioSamplesPerFrame == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED)                              ? AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO                              : audio_channel_out_mask_from_count(aaudioSamplesPerFrame);        mHardwareTimeOffsetNanos = OUTPUT_ESTIMATED_HARDWARE_OFFSET_NANOS; // frames at DAC later    } else if (direction == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_INPUT) {        config.channel_mask =  (aaudioSamplesPerFrame == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED)                               ? AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO                               : audio_channel_in_mask_from_count(aaudioSamplesPerFrame);        mHardwareTimeOffsetNanos = INPUT_ESTIMATED_HARDWARE_OFFSET_NANOS; // frames at ADC earlier    } else {        ALOGE("%s() invalid direction = %d", __func__, direction);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;    }    MmapStreamInterface::stream_direction_t streamDirection =            (direction == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT)            ? MmapStreamInterface:IRECTION_OUTPUT            : MmapStreamInterface:IRECTION_INPUT;    aaudio_session_id_t requestedSessionId = getSessionId();    audio_session_t sessionId = AAudioConvert_aaudioToAndroidSessionId(requestedSessionId);     // Open HAL stream. Set mMmapStream    status_t status = MmapStreamInterface::openMmapStream(streamDirection,                                                             &attributes,                                                          &config,                                                          mMmapClient,                                                          &deviceId,                                                          &sessionId,                                                          this, // callback                                                          mMmapStream,                                                          &mPortHandle);    ALOGD("%s() mMapClient.uid = %d, pid = %d => portHandle = %d\n",          __func__, mMmapClient.clientUid,  mMmapClient.clientPid, mPortHandle);    if (status != OK) {        // This can happen if the resource is busy or the config does        // not match the hardware.        ALOGD("%s() - openMmapStream() returned status %d",  __func__, status);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE;    }    if (deviceId == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {        ALOGW("%s() - openMmapStream() failed to set deviceId", __func__);    }    setDeviceId(deviceId);    if (sessionId == AUDIO_SESSION_ALLOCATE) {        ALOGW("%s() - openMmapStream() failed to set sessionId", __func__);    }    aaudio_session_id_t actualSessionId =            (requestedSessionId == AAUDIO_SESSION_ID_NONE)            ? AAUDIO_SESSION_ID_NONE            : (aaudio_session_id_t) sessionId;    setSessionId(actualSessionId);    ALOGD("%s() deviceId = %d, sessionId = %d", __func__, getDeviceId(), getSessionId());    // Create MMAP/NOIRQ buffer.    int32_t minSizeFrames = getBufferCapacity();    if (minSizeFrames <= 0) { // zero will get rejected        minSizeFrames = AAUDIO_BUFFER_CAPACITY_MIN;    }    status = mMmapStream->createMmapBuffer(minSizeFrames, &mMmapBufferinfo);    bool isBufferShareable = mMmapBufferinfo.flags & AUDIO_MMAP_APPLICATION_SHAREABLE;    if (status != OK) {        ALOGE("%s() - createMmapBuffer() failed with status %d %s",              __func__, status, strerror(-status));        result = AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE;        goto error;    } else {        ALOGD("%s() createMmapBuffer() buffer_size = %d fr, burst_size %d fr"                      ", Sharable FD: %s",              __func__,              mMmapBufferinfo.buffer_size_frames,              mMmapBufferinfo.burst_size_frames,              isBufferShareable ? "Yes" : "No");    }    setBufferCapacity(mMmapBufferinfo.buffer_size_frames);    if (!isBufferShareable) {        // Exclusive mode can only be used by the service because the FD cannot be shared.        uid_t audioServiceUid = getuid();        if ((mMmapClient.clientUid != audioServiceUid) &&            getSharingMode() == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE) {            ALOGW("%s() - exclusive FD cannot be used by client", __func__);            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE;            goto error;        }    }    // Get information about the stream and pass it back to the caller.    setSamplesPerFrame((direction == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT)                       ? audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(config.channel_mask)                       : audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(config.channel_mask));    // AAudio creates a copy of this FD and retains ownership of the copy.    // Assume that AudioFlinger will close the original shared_memory_fd.    mAudioDataFileDescriptor.reset(dup(mMmapBufferinfo.shared_memory_fd));    if (mAudioDataFileDescriptor.get() == -1) {        ALOGE("%s() - could not dup shared_memory_fd", __func__);        result = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;        goto error;    }    mFramesPerBurst = mMmapBufferinfo.burst_size_frames;    setFormat(config.format);    setSampleRate(config.sample_rate);    ALOGD("%s() actual rate = %d, channels = %d"          ", deviceId = %d, capacity = %d\n",          __func__, getSampleRate(), getSamplesPerFrame(), deviceId, getBufferCapacity());    ALOGD("%s() format = 0x%08x, frame size = %d, burst size = %d",          __func__, getFormat(), calculateBytesPerFrame(), mFramesPerBurst);    return result;error:    close();    return result;}这儿会创建流和共享buffer,看下openMmapStream:
//static__attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))status_t MmapStreamInterface::openMmapStream(MmapStreamInterface::stream_direction_t direction,                                             const audio_attributes_t *attr,                                             audio_config_base_t *config,                                             const AudioClient& client,                                             audio_port_handle_t *deviceId,                                             audio_session_t *sessionId,                                             const sp<MmapStreamCallback>& callback,                                             sp<MmapStreamInterface>& interface,                                             audio_port_handle_t *handle){    sp<AudioFlinger> af;    {        Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);        af = gAudioFlinger.promote();    }    status_t ret = NO_INIT;    if (af != 0) {        ret = af->openMmapStream(                direction, attr, config, client, deviceId,                sessionId, callback, interface, handle);    }    return ret;}这儿终于到了AudioFlinger,再到AudioFlinger看下:
status_t AudioFlinger::openMmapStream(MmapStreamInterface::stream_direction_t direction,                                      const audio_attributes_t *attr,                                      audio_config_base_t *config,                                      const AudioClient& client,                                      audio_port_handle_t *deviceId,                                      audio_session_t *sessionId,                                      const sp<MmapStreamCallback>& callback,                                      sp<MmapStreamInterface>& interface,                                      audio_port_handle_t *handle){    status_t ret = initCheck();    if (ret != NO_ERROR) {        return ret;    }    audio_session_t actualSessionId = *sessionId;    if (actualSessionId == AUDIO_SESSION_ALLOCATE) {        actualSessionId = (audio_session_t) newAudioUniqueId(AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_SESSION);    }    audio_stream_type_t streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT;    audio_io_handle_t io = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;    audio_port_handle_t portId = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;    audio_attributes_t localAttr = *attr;    if (direction == MmapStreamInterface:IRECTION_OUTPUT) {        audio_config_t fullConfig = AUDIO_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;        fullConfig.sample_rate = config->sample_rate;        fullConfig.channel_mask = config->channel_mask;        fullConfig.format = config->format;        std::vector<audio_io_handle_t> secondaryOutputs;        ret = AudioSystem::getOutputForAttr(&localAttr, &io,                                            actualSessionId,                                            &streamType, client.clientPid, client.clientUid,                                            &fullConfig,                                            (audio_output_flags_t)(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ |                                                    AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT),                                            deviceId, &portId, &secondaryOutputs);        ALOGW_IF(!secondaryOutputs.empty(),                 "%s does not support secondary outputs, ignoring them", __func__);    } else {        ret = AudioSystem::getInputForAttr(&localAttr, &io,                                              RECORD_RIID_INVALID,                                              actualSessionId,                                              client.clientPid,                                              client.clientUid,                                              client.packageName,                                              config,                                              AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ, deviceId, &portId);    }    if (ret != NO_ERROR) {        return ret;    }    // at this stage, a MmapThread was created when openOutput() or openInput() was called by    // audio policy manager and we can retrieve it    sp<MmapThread> thread = mMmapThreads.valueFor(io);    if (thread != 0) {        interface = new MmapThreadHandle(thread);        thread->configure(&localAttr, streamType, actualSessionId, callback, *deviceId, portId);        *handle = portId;        *sessionId = actualSessionId;        config->sample_rate = thread->sampleRate();        config->channel_mask = thread->channelMask();        config->format = thread->format();    } else {        if (direction == MmapStreamInterface:IRECTION_OUTPUT) {            AudioSystem::releaseOutput(portId);        } else {            AudioSystem::releaseInput(portId);        }        ret = NO_INIT;    }    ALOGV("%s done status %d portId %d", __FUNCTION__, ret, portId);    return ret;}这时间就可以通过MmapThread和Hal层读写数据了。
status_t AudioFlinger::MmapThreadHandle::createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames,                                  struct audio_mmap_buffer_info *info){    return mThread->createMmapBuffer(minSizeFrames, info);}status_t AudioFlinger::MmapThread::createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames,                                  struct audio_mmap_buffer_info *info){    if (mHalStream == 0) {        return NO_INIT;    }    mStandby = true;    acquireWakeLock();    return mHalStream->createMmapBuffer(minSizeFrames, info);}这时间就走到了Hal层创建共享内存了。
AAUDIO_API aaudio_result_t  AAudioStream_requestStart(AAudioStream* stream){    AudioStream *audioStream = convertAAudioStreamToAudioStream(stream);    aaudio_stream_id_t id = audioStream->getId();    ALOGD("%s(s#%u) called --------------", __func__, id);    aaudio_result_t result = audioStream->systemStart();    ALOGD("%s(s#%u) returned %d ---------", __func__, id, result);    return result;}这时间就是直接调用AudioStream的systemStart 方法:
aaudio_result_t AudioStream::systemStart() {    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStreamLock);    if (collidesWithCallback()) {        ALOGE("%s cannot be called from a callback!", __func__);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    switch (getState()) {        // Is this a good time to start?        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSING:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSED:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPING:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHING:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHED:            break; // Proceed with starting.        // Already started?        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTING:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTED:            ALOGW("%s() stream was already started, state = %s", __func__,                  AudioGlobal_convertStreamStateToText(getState()));            return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;        // Don't start when the stream is dead!        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSING:        case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSED:        default:            ALOGW("%s() stream is dead, state = %s", __func__,                  AudioGlobal_convertStreamStateToText(getState()));            return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    aaudio_result_t result = requestStart();    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {        // We only call this for logging in "dumpsys audio". So ignore return code.        (void) mPlayerBase->start();    }    return result;}这儿会有一个查抄,不可以在回调内里调用Start,查抄通事后,接下来调用requestStart,对于legacy,那么实现如下:
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamRecord::requestStart(){    if (mAudioRecord.get() == nullptr) {        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    // Enable callback before starting AudioRecord to avoid shutting    // down because of a race condition.;    aaudio_stream_state_t originalState = getState();    // Set before starting the callback so that we are in the correct state    // before updateStateMachine() can be called by the callback.    setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTING);    mFramesWritten.reset32(); // service writes frames    mTimestampPosition.reset32();    status_t err = mAudioRecord->start(); // resets position to zero    if (err != OK) {;        setState(originalState);        return AAudioConvert_androidToAAudioResult(err);    }    return AAUDIO_OK;}这儿逻辑比力清晰,就是直接调用AudioRecord的start,别的方法也雷同。接下来看下Mmap的实现:
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::requestStart(){    int64_t startTime;    if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {        ALOGD("requestStart() mServiceStreamHandle invalid");        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    if (isActive()) {        ALOGD("requestStart() already active");        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    aaudio_stream_state_t originalState = getState();    if (originalState == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {        ALOGD("requestStart() but DISCONNECTED");        return AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED;    }    setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTING);    // Clear any stale timestamps from the previous run.    drainTimestampsFromService();    aaudio_result_t result = mServiceInterface.startStream(mServiceStreamHandle); // 哀求启动    if (result == AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) {        ALOGD("%s() INVALID_HANDLE, stream was probably stolen", __func__);        // Stealing was added in R. Coerce result to improve backward compatibility.        result = AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED;        setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED);    }    startTime = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();    mClockModel.start(startTime);    mNeedCatchUp.request();  // Ask data processing code to catch up when first timestamp received.    // Start data callback thread.    if (result == AAUDIO_OK && isDataCallbackSet()) {        // Launch the callback loop thread.        int64_t periodNanos = mCallbackFrames                              * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_SECOND                              / getSampleRate();;        result = createThread(periodNanos, aaudio_callback_thread_proc, this); // 假如是异步情势,就创建一个线程    }    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {        setState(originalState);    }    return result;}哀求启动比力复杂,先看下异步线程:
// This is not exposed in the API.// But it is still used internally to implement callbacks for MMAP mode.aaudio_result_t AudioStream::createThread(int64_t periodNanoseconds,                                     aaudio_audio_thread_proc_t threadProc,                                     void* threadArg){    if (mHasThread) {        ALOGE("createThread() - mHasThread already true");        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    if (threadProc == nullptr) {        return AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL;    }    // Pass input parameters to the background thread.    mThreadProc = threadProc;    mThreadArg = threadArg;    setPeriodNanoseconds(periodNanoseconds);    int err = pthread_create(&mThread, nullptr, AudioStream_internalThreadProc, this);    if (err != 0) {        android::status_t status = -errno;        ALOGE("createThread() - pthread_create() failed, %d", status);        return AAudioConvert_androidToAAudioResult(status);    } else {        // TODO Use AAudioThread or maybe AndroidThread        // Name the thread with an increasing index, "AAudio_#", for debugging.        static std::atomic<uint32_t> nextThreadIndex{1};        char name[16]; // max length for a pthread_name        uint32_t index = nextThreadIndex++;        // Wrap the index so that we do not hit the 16 char limit        // and to avoid hard-to-read large numbers.        index = index % 100000;  // arbitrary        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "AAudio_%u", index);        err = pthread_setname_np(mThread, name);        ALOGW_IF((err != 0), "Could not set name of AAudio thread. err = %d", err);        mHasThread = true;        return AAUDIO_OK;    }}这儿没啥逻辑,就是创建了一个线程,看下aaudio_callback_thread_proc是什么:
static void *aaudio_callback_thread_proc(void *context){    AudioStreamInternal *stream = (AudioStreamInternal *)context;    //LOGD("oboe_callback_thread, stream = %p", stream);    if (stream != NULL) {        return stream->callbackLoop();    } else {        return NULL;    }}这儿就是回调调用方,继续再看看:
// Read data from the stream and pass it to the callback for processing.void *AudioStreamInternalCapture::callbackLoop() {    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    aaudio_data_callback_result_t callbackResult = AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_CONTINUE;    if (!isDataCallbackSet()) return NULL;    // result might be a frame count    while (mCallbackEnabled.load() && isActive() && (result >= 0)) {        // Read audio data from stream.        int64_t timeoutNanos = calculateReasonableTimeout(mCallbackFrames);        // This is a BLOCKING READ!        result = read(mCallbackBuffer.get(), mCallbackFrames, timeoutNanos);        if ((result != mCallbackFrames)) {            ALOGE("callbackLoop: read() returned %d", result);            if (result >= 0) {                // Only read some of the frames requested. Must have timed out.                result = AAUDIO_ERROR_TIMEOUT;            }            maybeCallErrorCallback(result);            break;        }        // Call application using the AAudio callback interface.        callbackResult = maybeCallDataCallback(mCallbackBuffer.get(), mCallbackFrames);        if (callbackResult == AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP) {            ALOGD("%s(): callback returned AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP", __func__);            result = systemStopFromCallback();            break;        }    }    ALOGD("callbackLoop() exiting, result = %d, isActive() = %d",          result, (int) isActive());    return NULL;}再看下maybeCallDataCallback:
aaudio_data_callback_result_t AudioStream::maybeCallDataCallback(void *audioData,                                                                 int32_t numFrames) {    aaudio_data_callback_result_t result = AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP;    AAudioStream_dataCallback dataCallback = getDataCallbackProc();    if (dataCallback != nullptr) {        // Store thread ID of caller to detect stop() and close() calls from callback.        pid_t expected = CALLBACK_THREAD_NONE;        if (mDataCallbackThread.compare_exchange_strong(expected, gettid())) {            result = (*dataCallback)(                    (AAudioStream *) this,                    getDataCallbackUserData(),                    audioData,                    numFrames);  ;        } else {            ALOGW("%s() data callback already running!", __func__);        }    }    return result;}这儿的dataCallback 就是应用方注册进来的函数指针。
aaudio_result_t AAudioService::startStream(aaudio_handle_t streamHandle) {    sp<AAudioServiceStreamBase> serviceStream = convertHandleToServiceStream(streamHandle);    if (serviceStream.get() == nullptr) {        ALOGW("%s(), invalid streamHandle = 0x%0x", __func__, streamHandle);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;    }    return serviceStream->start();}继续跟下start:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::start() {    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);    const int64_t beginNs = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;    if (auto state = getState();        state == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSED || state == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {        ALOGW("%s() already CLOSED, returns INVALID_STATE, handle = %d",                __func__, getHandle());        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    mediametrics:efer defer([&] {        mediametrics:ogItem(mMetricsId)            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_EVENT, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_EVENT_VALUE_START)            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_EXECUTIONTIMENS, (int64_t)(AudioClock::getNanoseconds() - beginNs))            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_STATE, AudioGlobal_convertStreamStateToText(getState()))            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_STATUS, (int32_t)result)            .record(); });    if (isRunning()) {        return result;    }    setFlowing(false);    setSuspended(false);    // Start with fresh presentation timestamps.    mAtomicStreamTimestamp.clear();    mClientHandle = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;    result = startDevice();    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) goto error;    // This should happen at the end of the start.    sendServiceEvent(AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_STARTED);    setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTED);;    result = mTimestampThread.start(this);    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) goto error;    return result;error:    disconnect_l();    return result;}调用了startDevice:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::startDevice() {    mClientHandle = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();    if (endpoint == nullptr) {        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);        return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;    }    return endpoint->startStream(this, &mClientHandle);}继续跟下:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::startStream(sp<AAudioServiceStreamBase> stream,                                                   audio_port_handle_t *clientHandle __unused) {    // Start the client on behalf of the AAudio service.    // Use the port handle that was provided by openMmapStream().    audio_port_handle_t tempHandle = mPortHandle;    audio_attributes_t attr = {};    if (stream != nullptr) {        attr = getAudioAttributesFrom(stream.get());    }    aaudio_result_t result = startClient(            mMmapClient, stream == nullptr ? nullptr : &attr, &tempHandle);    // When AudioFlinger is passed a valid port handle then it should not change it.    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(tempHandle != mPortHandle,                        "%s() port handle not expected to change from %d to %d",                        __func__, mPortHandle, tempHandle);    ALOGV("%s() mPortHandle = %d", __func__, mPortHandle);    return result;}调用了startClient:
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::startClient(const android::AudioClient& client,                                                       const audio_attributes_t *attr,                                                       audio_port_handle_t *clientHandle) {    if (mMmapStream == nullptr) return AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL;    status_t status = mMmapStream->start(client, attr, clientHandle);    return AAudioConvert_androidToAAudioResult(status);}mMmapStream 就是之前从AuidoFlinger中拿到的共享内存对象MmapThreadHandle,继续看下start:
status_t AudioFlinger::MmapThreadHandle::start(const AudioClient& client,        const audio_attributes_t *attr, audio_port_handle_t *handle){    return mThread->start(client, attr, handle);}调用的是MmapThread的start:
status_t AudioFlinger::MmapThread::start(const AudioClient& client,                                         const audio_attributes_t *attr,                                         audio_port_handle_t *handle){    ALOGV("%s clientUid %d mStandby %d mPortId %d *handle %d", __FUNCTION__,          client.clientUid, mStandby, mPortId, *handle);    if (mHalStream == 0) {        return NO_INIT;    }    status_t ret;    if (*handle == mPortId) {        // for the first track, reuse portId and session allocated when the stream was opened        return exitStandby();    }    audio_port_handle_t portId = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;    audio_io_handle_t io = mId;    if (isOutput()) {        audio_config_t config = AUDIO_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;        config.sample_rate = mSampleRate;        config.channel_mask = mChannelMask;        config.format = mFormat;        audio_stream_type_t stream = streamType();        audio_output_flags_t flags =                (audio_output_flags_t)(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT);        audio_port_handle_t deviceId = mDeviceId;        std::vector<audio_io_handle_t> secondaryOutputs;        ret = AudioSystem::getOutputForAttr(&mAttr, &io,                                            mSessionId,                                            &stream,                                            client.clientPid,                                            client.clientUid,                                            &config,                                            flags,                                            &deviceId,                                            &portId,                                            &secondaryOutputs);        ALOGD_IF(!secondaryOutputs.empty(),                 "MmapThread::start does not support secondary outputs, ignoring them");    } else {        audio_config_base_t config;        config.sample_rate = mSampleRate;        config.channel_mask = mChannelMask;        config.format = mFormat;        audio_port_handle_t deviceId = mDeviceId;        ret = AudioSystem::getInputForAttr(&mAttr, &io,                                              RECORD_RIID_INVALID,                                              mSessionId,                                              client.clientPid,                                              client.clientUid,                                              client.packageName,                                              &config,                                              AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ,                                              &deviceId,                                              &portId);    }    // APM should not chose a different input or output stream for the same set of attributes    // and audo configuration    if (ret != NO_ERROR || io != mId) {        ALOGE("%s: error getting output or input from APM (error %d, io %d expected io %d)",              __FUNCTION__, ret, io, mId);        return BAD_VALUE;    }    if (isOutput()) {        ret = AudioSystem::startOutput(portId);    } else {        ret = AudioSystem::startInput(portId);    }    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);    // abort if start is rejected by audio policy manager    if (ret != NO_ERROR) {        ALOGE("%s: error start rejected by AudioPolicyManager = %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);        if (!mActiveTracks.isEmpty()) {            mLock.unlock();            if (isOutput()) {                AudioSystem::releaseOutput(portId);            } else {                AudioSystem::releaseInput(portId);            }            mLock.lock();        } else {            mHalStream->stop();        }        return PERMISSION_DENIED;    }    // Given that MmapThread::mAttr is mutable, should a MmapTrack have attributes ?    sp<MmapTrack> track = new MmapTrack(this, attr == nullptr ? mAttr : *attr, mSampleRate, mFormat,                                        mChannelMask, mSessionId, isOutput(), client.clientUid,                                        client.clientPid, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(),                                        portId);    if (isOutput()) {        // force volume update when a new track is added        mHalVolFloat = -1.0f;    } else if (!track->isSilenced_l()) {        for (const sp<MmapTrack> &t : mActiveTracks) {            if (t->isSilenced_l() && t->uid() != client.clientUid)                t->invalidate();        }    }    mActiveTracks.add(track);    sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(mSessionId);    if (chain != 0) {        chain->setStrategy(AudioSystem::getStrategyForStream(streamType()));        chain->incTrackCnt();        chain->incActiveTrackCnt();    }    track->logBeginInterval(patchSinksToString(&mPatch)); // log to MediaMetrics    *handle = portId;    broadcast_l();    ALOGV("%s DONE handle %d stream %p", __FUNCTION__, *handle, mHalStream.get());    return NO_ERROR;}这儿就将完成了start,别的stop,pause等都雷同,不须要再重复。
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